Following is the list of eligible course grades at all course levels. The syllabus will state the eligible grade assignments in addition to course grade requirements.
Eligible grades: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, FN, Pass (P), Satisfactory (S), Satisfactory Progress (SP), Unsatisfactory (U).
Minimum Grade Standards
Minimum grade standards are in place for various curricula requirements. Refer to each degree requirement and program requirements within the academic catalog.
Attempted Credits
Any course for which a student is registered beyond the last day to drop a course without a record is considered attempted regardless of the final grade assignment (see also Quality Points and Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid).
Quality Points
Grade values are as follows: grade of A= 4.0; A-= 3.7; B+= 3.3; B= 3.0; B-= 2.7; C+= 2.3; C= 2.0; C-= 1.7; D+= 1.3; D= 1.0; D-=0.7; F, FN, WF= 0.0. Grades of AU, E, I, P, NG, T, U, S, SP, and W do not carry quality points and therefore are not calculated into the grade point average.
A grade of FN and WF both represent a failing grade. FN is typically awarded when a student did not submit enough assignments to provide a full evaluation of work to earn a higher grade. Financial Aid is required to review grades of F, FN, WF, and W to ensure the student maintained academic participation throughout the duration of the course. (See also Course Withdraw and Financial Aid policies)
The grades of S and U have no equivalent grade values and are available only in pre-approved courses. The course syllabus will establish the requirements to earn a satisfactory or unsatisfactory grade for the course. A student cannot request this grade.
The grade of SP signifies satisfactory progress and can be used in a course that meets over multiple semesters or terms such as a thesis course. The grade is a placeholder until the course is complete.
A grade of NG is assigned by the Registrar’s Office on an interim basis when a grade is not submitted by the deadline.
Point Average
At each level of enrollment, the cumulative grade point average is derived by dividing the total number of graded hours for which a student has officially registered by the total number of quality points earned. The average is never rounded although it is truncated to the tenths or hundredths. The semester grade point average is calculated in the same way.
Repeat Course Grade
A student is permitted to repeat a course before graduation. The cumulative point average will reflect only the highest course grade (marked as “I,” "Include," on the transcript), although all grades will remain on the transcript (marked as “E,” "Exclude," on the transcript). The course must be repeated for the same number of credit hours, and title when topics, at Norwich University. A course repeated more than once will be treated as a separate course and will not replace a previous grade. Repeated courses for which credit was earned will not accumulate additional hours towards graduation unless the course is designed to be a repeatable course. In order for a student who obtains permission to repeat a course as a transient (non-Norwich course) student to earn credit, the course must meet the Transfer Credit policy. The transfer grade will not be calculated into the student’s grade point average although the replaced credits will apply toward graduation credits. A Transient Course Permission form is required (see also Transfer Credit Policy).
A student who wishes to attend a class but does not want to receive a grade for course credit may register as an auditor. A student must declare auditor status in a course by the “Last Day to Add Classes.” This date is listed in the Academic Calendar. The degree of class participation required will be determined by the student and instructor and listed on the audit form, available on the Registrar's SharePoint site. The completed audit form will remain on file in the Office of the Registrar. The class audited will be noted on the transcript, and the instructor will award the grade of “AU” when the performance requirements outlined on the audit form are fulfilled, and the grade of “U” when the student fails to meet the requirements. A “Credit by Challenge Examination” is not permitted after taking a class for audit credit. An audited course carries no attempted hours and may not be used toward degree requirements (see also Tuition and Fees).
Pass/Fail Option (P/F)
An undergraduate student may complete no more than six courses graded as Pass/Fail. A student may not take all of their courses in a single semester as pass/fail. Up to two courses taken as pass/fail may fulfill General Education or BA requirements. A grade of pass/fail cannot be used in courses required for a major, minor, or concentration. To select the pass/fail option will complete a pass/fail form on the Registrar's SharePoint site no later than the deadline to withdraw from a course.
To receive a Pass (P) grade, the student’s work in the designated course must be of at least D- quality. Work below a D- will receive a grade of F. A grade of P will earn course credit but is not included in quality point computations. The grade of F is a letter grade and is included in quality point computations.
Incomplete Grades (I)
A student may request an Incomplete grade when extenuating circumstances, such as university-authorized absences caused by illness, emergency, or deployment interfere with completing the course at the end of the semester or term. Students must have completed at least 60% of the course content at a level that demonstrates the student’s ability to finish the outstanding work at a satisfactory level. An Incomplete grade, assigned by the Registrar’s Office upon the receipt of the approved Incomplete Grade Form/Contract, is only assigned at the end of the semester.
An Incomplete grade may not be assigned for failure to submit required work, not attending class, regular leave, or detached service. The deadline for completing an Incomplete will be determined between the instructor and student and will not exceed 90 days from the last day of the semester during which the grade was assigned. Final approval is granted by the course department administrator.
Exceptions to the dates listed above can be granted to students who are deployed. See the Military Accommodation Policy for deployment-related circumstances.
Once the student has submitted the outstanding work, the instructor must request a change of grade. If the instructor does not request a change of grade within 72-hours of the deadlines listed above, the Registrar’s Office will record the final grade provided by the instructor on the Incomplete Grade Form/Contract.
An Incomplete grade is not satisfactory for the purpose of fulfilling a pre-requisite. Incomplete grades are excluded from the computation of total credits and grade point averages (See the President’s and Dean’s List and/or academic achievement policies).
Grading Practices Notification for Students
Course syllabi must designate the method of grading in the course and the weight that is attached to all course requirements.
Grade Reporting by the Faculty
Faculty enter grades for all campus-based courses twice during the semester. Mid-semester grades are entered on, or before, Monday of the eighth week of the Fall and Spring semesters, in accordance with the Academic Calendar for residential programs. Mid-semester grades are not entered on the permanent record and are reported for the sole purpose of assisting students in assessing their academic status at mid-semester.
Final grades are entered at the conclusion of the semester. These grades are posted on the permanent academic record. Final grades must be entered within seventy-two hours of the last day of final examinations. Grades for graduating students may have an earlier deadline. The grade submittal due date is posted on the academic calendar and is communicated by the Registrar’s Office. Faculty will maintain course grade records for a minimum of one year. Faculty leaving the employment of the University will submit these grade records to their respective department chair or school director.
Grade Notification
After grades have been entered, students may view their grades in Banner Web. After a period of about one week, a student may review their grades and current GPA on their academic transcript. The university does not mail grades or provide grades over the phone in compliance with the Data Privacy (FERPA) policy.
Academic Warning at Mid-Semester
Residential campus programs will provide an academic warning notice to a student who is failing two or more courses at mid-semester. First-year students who receive this notice must work with staff in the Center for Academic Success and Achievement on a plan to complete the semester successfully.
Grade Change/Appeal
Course grades are calculated and assigned by the instructor teaching the course according to the grading criteria on the syllabus. Once a student’s final grade has been officially recorded by the Registrar, the grade may be changed if, (1) a new grade has been determined under the Norwich University Student Grade Appeal Policy or (2) a grade of Incomplete is replaced with a letter grade as specified in the current Norwich University catalog, or (3) an error in computing or in recording the grade has been identified by the instructor and has been verified by the instructor and the department chair or director.
A grade change entered for a course in the previous term will affect academic standing for the previous term; but no student will be academically suspended within the current semester due to a grade change.
Grade Appeals
Grade appeals are reserved for final course grades only and not for grades on individual assignments in a course. Requests for a change of final grade must be made within 120 days of when the final grade was awarded.
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