One and Same Person Affidavit for Multiple Names (Canada, Australia, USA Immigration)

One and Same Person Affidavit for Multiple Names (Immigration) stands to declare correct name from various names of same person on education credentials, passport and experience letters for work or Work Permit, Study Permit. You can use this affidavit for Canada, Australia Visitor, Student Visa or PR.

It often happens that a person’s documents have different names, which can be caused by a number of reasons: spelling mistakes, missing first or middle name, other names, different names that are commonly used, and so on. This can happen in many different scenarios. , for everything from having your birth name on old school transcripts to a home country passport with a different spelling than your birth certificate.

One and Same Person Affidavit for Multiple Names (Immigration)

Different names obviously cause confusion and misunderstanding if the person listed in one document is the same person listed in another document.

An affidavit from the same person is a written document that can be provided to other individuals or organizations to help prove that different names that appear on different documents refer to one person. The person (Affiant) must sign a solemn declaration of the same person in order to prove that the two documents, although differing in name, refer to the same person.

Affidavit for Multiple Names on Different Documents

Here, We have shared an image of a sample affidavit of One and Same Person For Multiple Names which we used for our PR Process for Canada. You must need to make some changes like Country, Name, DOB, Citizenship, Tel No, Your address, Your Case, Program you are applying for, and name on different documents for 100% clarification and then You need to notarize the document from the Notary Public or Commissioner of Taking affidavits.

#Case 1

One and Same Person Affidavit for Multiple Names (Immigration)

One and Same Person Affidavit for Multiple Names (Immigration) Text Script:



Affidavit in regards to the Name by:

Name: Priyaben Charminkumar Patel, DOB: _____, Citizenship: India

I, Priyaben Charminkumar Patel, DOB: ____________, of City of ____________, in the province of Ontario, Canada, make oath and say as under:

I make this declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same effect as if made under oath.

Declared before me at the city )
of Brampton, in the province of )
Ontario this 14 th day of June 2021 )

A Commissioner for Taking Affidavits FINAL NAME

#2 Case 2 (Different Name on Old and New Passport and Birth Certificate) for Canada PR

affidavit 2

One and Same Person Affidavit for Multiple Names for Immigration Canada PR- Text Script:



Affidavit in regards to the Name by:

Name: Michael Amit Joshi, DOB: July 18, 1995 Citizenship: India

I, Michael Amit Joshi, DOB: July 18, 1995, Residence of the City of London, in the province of Ontario, Canada, make oath and say as under:

I make this declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same effect as if made under oath.

Declared before me at the city )
of London, in the province of )
Ontario this 14 th day of June 2023 )

**** You can use the above text script but don’t forget to change above mentioned things in your affidavit. ****

If you would like us to help you to create a One and Same Person Affidavit for Multiple Names for Immigration , PR affidavit for you then you can contact us at ” “. We will charge 1500 INR or 30 CAD for completing your affidavit.

About Charmin Patel

Blogger and Digital Marketer by Choice and Chemical Engineer By Chance. Computer and Internet Geek Person Who Loves To Do Something New Every Day.