To manage the implementation of each annex, the parties will identify federal-provincial annex leads for:
- overseeing annex-specific coordination, cooperation and integration of activities, including the establishment of annex teams as needed;
- identifying lead and support departments, ministries and agencies for commitments under that annex;
- coordinating implementation of the agreement commitments including projects to achieve those commitments and undertaking an annual assessment of progress. Every effort will be made to ensure a coordinated and cooperative approach by maximizing the integration of activities of contributing departments, ministries, agencies and others;
- recommending a course of action to the COA Executive Committee or COA Executive Committee Co-Chairs when more authority or policy direction is required to achieve the results and commitments of the agreement;
- ensuring opportunities for engagement, participation, coordinated action and cooperation with the Great Lakes community as appropriate, to examine emerging issues, advise on projects and deliver annex results and commitments;
- reviewing science priorities within annexes on an annual basis and holding roundtable discussions, as appropriate, to support science-informed results and commitments of the agreement; and
- collaboratively engaging First Nations and Métis communities in the delivery of annex commitments, as appropriate.
Article VI – Science
The parties agree to conduct, maintain, focus and coordinate science activities, programs, data and information, as well as support traditional ecological knowledge and, when offered, consider this knowledge in decision-making, in order to contribute towards the achievement of the purpose of the agreement.
Article VII – Reporting
The parties agree to deliver to the public, reports on progress made under the agreement in a timely and transparent manner: Canada under the Canada-United States Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, Ontario under Ontario’s Great Lakes Protection Act , 2015 and, jointly through COA Progress reporting.
Article VIII – Resources
The parties commit to providing the resources needed to implement the agreement and the annexes pursuant to it, subject to there being an appropriation for such purposes in Parliament or the Legislature, as the case may be, in the relevant fiscal year. The parties agree to create opportunities for others to contribute resources, as appropriate, to achieving the purpose of the agreement.
Article IX – Notification
- Prior to undertaking any changes to the Canada-United States Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, Canada will consult with Ontario.
- Prior to undertaking any activities with the United States that may significantly affect this agreement, Canada will notify Ontario.
- Prior to undertaking any agreement with States of the United States that may significantly affect this agreement, Ontario will notify Canada.
- The parties agree to continue to cooperate in anticipating, preventing and responding to threats to the Great Lakes. The parties agree to facilitate the exchange of information using existing mechanisms to provide notice of any proposed activity that could have a significant impact on the waters of the Great Lakes.
Article X – Amending the agreement
The agreement may be amended by the parties at any time. The parties commit to engaging the Great Lakes community, as appropriate, when amending the agreement. An amendment will be confirmed by an exchange of letters by the parties setting out the amendment and the date it enters into force.
Article XI – Dispute avoidance
- The parties are committed to working collaboratively to avoid and resolve any dispute concerning the management of the agreement and the performance of obligations set out in the annexes.
- The COA Executive Committee will make all reasonable efforts to resolve any dispute under this agreement.
- In the event that a dispute under the agreement is not resolved by the COA Executive Committee, either party may provide written notice to the other party of the matter in dispute together with related information and documentation requesting further efforts by the parties to resolve the matter. In that event, within 60 days of notice, the parties will meet to discuss the dispute in a cooperative and collaborative manner. If the dispute is not resolved within 60 days of the meeting, or such longer period as the parties may agree, the parties may jointly retain a third party to provide mediation in connection with the resolution of the dispute.
Article XII – Entry into force
This agreement will enter into force on June 1, 2021, and will remain in force for five years, until May 31, 2026. The agreement may be terminated earlier by either party giving the other at least six months written notice.
Article XIII – Compliance with law
- Nothing in this agreement alters the legislative or other authority of the parties with respect to the exercise of their legislative or other authorities under the Constitution of Canada.
- The parties acknowledge that the obligations in this agreement are subject to the applicable laws of Canada and Ontario.
Original signed by
On behalf of Her Majesty The Queen Right of Canada
Minister of the Environment (and Minister Responsible for Parks Canada Agency)
Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
Minister of Fisheries and Oceans
Minister of Health
Minister of Natural Resources
Minister of Transport
On behalf of Her Majesty The Queen Right of Canada
Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs