Canada seeds act and regulations

Seed Regulatory Modernization

The Seed Regulatory Modernization process is currently underway.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) plans to modernize the seed regulations as they apply to seeds imported, conditioned, stored, tested, labelled, exported, and sold in Canada.

It is expected that the amendments would reduce overlap and redundancy; increase responsiveness to industry changes; address gaps, weaknesses, and inconsistencies; and provide clarity and flexibility to affected regulated parties.

The Government of Canada is obligated to provide a public comment period for Canadians and other interested parties to provide feedback on the regulatory proposal. Seeds Canada is part of the official working group, and has an internal working group to coordinate feedback on behalf of our members.

Seeds Canada Position Paper – Seeds Canada SRM Principles

We encourage our members to get involved in this process. Please contact Lauren Comin if you have any questions.