Development applications are made through the development assessment process and are assessed against the relevant planning scheme and, where state-level assessment is triggered, the State Development Assessment Provisions . It is designed to integrate state and local government approval processes.
Chapter 3 of the Planning Act 2016 (Qld) (Planning Act) provides the overall framework for the development assessment process, but much of the detail for the process is fleshed out in a subsidiary document, the Development Assessment Rules .
The overall process is shown in the following flowchart, but not all parts necessarily apply to each development application.
Figure 1: Development application process. This flowchart is adapted from a Queensland Government publication.
In order to determine whether a development application must be made and, if so, which parts of development assessment process apply, it is necessary to answer three preliminary questions:
Answering these three questions allows the development assessment requirements to be determined including the strict timelines for each of the parts.
The different forms of development under the Planning Act are further defined sch 2 of the Planning Act as:
To understand what a ‘material change of use’ means requires understanding what a ‘use’ of land is. A ‘use’ of land is the purpose for which activities are conducted on the land as understood in ordinary terminology in a town planning context. Examples of different uses of land include a dwelling house, hospital, hotel, office, shopping centre, multiple dwelling and park. Planning schemes normally include a dictionary to define common uses of land, as do schs 3, 4 and 24 of the Planning Regulation 2017 (Qld) (Planning Regulation).
The term ‘development’ creates a broad umbrella definition into which virtually any proposal can be brought within the planning and development assessment framework. However, not all development is required to be assessed under the development assessment process.
The Planning Act uses a horribly abstract term, ‘categorising instruments’, for state and local-level planning documents that can ( s 43 ):
State-level categories of development are identified in the schedules of the Pla nning Regulation .
Local-level categories of development are identified in:
In practice, planning schemes are the most important for identifying local-level categories of assessment.
There are three categories of development ( s 44 ):
Assessable development has two subcategories ( s 45 ):
If no categorising instrument categorises a particular development, it is an accepted development ( s 44(6) ).
Most planning schemes identify assessable development in a part called a ‘Table of Assessment’ or ‘Table of Development’.
Some development that cannot be made assessable under a local government planning scheme is specified in sch 6 of the Planning Regulation, and this development becomes accepted development by default.
Accepted development may still require assessment under other laws. For example, sch 6 provides that mining is not able to be made assessable development, but it requires assessment under the Mineral Resources Act 1989 (Qld) (Mineral Resources Act) and the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (Qld).
The state government and local governments may designate premises for development of infrastructure under sch 3, pt 5 of the Planning Act. Schedule 5 of the Planning Regulation lists the infrastructure that may be designated including airports, bus ways, dams, prisons, schools and sewage treatment plants, which are accepted development under a planning scheme. Once designated, the premises are not subject to the local government planning scheme, and there are no public submission or appeal rights under the Planning Act.
A super short (10-minute) explanation of the development assessment process is available on Youtube :
A longer (90-minute) lecture explaining the development assessment system in more detail is also available on Youtube:
A short quiz on basic concepts for development in Queensland, including understanding what is ‘development’ and when development approval may be required, is available online for you to test your understanding.
It is a development offence under the Planning Act to:
Exemptions apply for development or use of premises in an emergency to prevent danger to life or to ensure the structural adequacy of a building ( s 166 ).
The Planning Act provides several enforcement mechanisms:
The government entities involved in the development assessment process are referred to as the ‘assessment manager’ and ‘referral agencies’ and are listed in sch 8 of the Planning Regulation and the Development Assessment Rules.
The assessment manager is normally the relevant local government. An application is made to this entity, which then manages the development assessment process and makes the final decision whether to approve or refuse an application and whether to impose conditions.
Referral agencies are other government bodies to which an application is referred to for consideration.
A referral agency may be:
The State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA) is the single lodgement and assessment point for virtually all development applications where the state has a jurisdiction.
The State Development Assessment Provisions set out the criteria and codes for state assessment of development under SARA.
Private certifiers are also commonly the assessment manager where a development application is for building work only. Private certifiers are individuals certified under the Building Act 1975 (Qld) to, amongst other things, assess and approve plans relating to new or altered buildings and certify the construction of buildings complies with approved plans.
The Planning Minister, as well as the minister who administers the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 (Qld), has a broad discretion to call in and assess and decide, or reassess and re-decide, an application if, in the minister’s opinion, it involves a state interest ( ch 3, pt 3 Planning Act ).
Ministerial call ins are rare.
All applications that have been called in, as well as applications for which a proposed call-in notice has been given, can be viewed on the Queensland Planning website .
This power is in addition to other avenues for the state government to bypass local governments and the court appeal process such as designating land for community infrastructure or declaring a priority development area.
The basic rule for assessing an application in the development assessment process is that it is likely to be approved if it is consistent with relevant planning scheme and other planning layers. Conversely, the more a development application conflicts with any relevant planning scheme or other planning layer, the less likely it is to be approved.
Section 60 of the Planning Act states the statutory tests for deciding code assessment and impact assessment:
The Planning and Environment Court explained the test for deciding whether to approve impact assessable development that does not comply with all assessment benchmarks in Ashvan Investments Unit Trust v Brisbane City Council [2019] QPEC 16 .
This emphasises the importance of public submissions to local governments when they are preparing or amending their planning schemes in order to identify and protect important areas and environmental values. It is generally too late to protect important areas when a development application is lodged, if the planning scheme does not protect the area and allows it to be developed.
Approval of a development can be (and virtually always is) subject to conditions that control how the development will occur. Conditions are the basic mechanism for minimising adverse impacts and for providing public infrastructure (e.g. parklands).
Conditions are required to be relevant and reasonable (s 65 Planning Act).
For example, a relevant and reasonable condition for a development adjacent to a watercourse may be that no development is to occur within 20 metres of the high bank of any watercourse. Whether a condition is relevant and reasonable will depend on the facts of each individual case.
For more information on conditions, listen to the recording of a workshop on writing conditions (and see the associated workshop paper) available on the Environmental Law Australia website.